• Om mitt arbeid (English below)

    Mine arbeider blir tilvirket av naturens egne materialer hentet ute i natur, som tre, stein, tang.

    Inspirasjonen ligger i vår naturlige tilhørighet til det opprinnelige og livet selv. 

    Slik hvert liv er en vandring, starter hvert verks prosess også med vandring i vill og uberørt natur jeg kan trekke meg tilbake og finne rom for refleksjon og nye krefter – en frisone fra det kultiverte.

    Her finner jeg flere hundre år gamle, skjeve furustammer, stokker og røtter som har falt om. Prosessen bak verkene er i gang og er en del av vandringen, av helheten.  

    De sankes og slepes av sted for å bearbeides.

    Arbeidet foregår utendørs med kraftige redskaper. Et fysisk møte mellom mennesket og et massivt, men likevel formbart tre.  

    Men først må man utforske og lytte i materialene og søke svar.

    Som en nær venn viser treet sine muligheter og begrensninger. Hva har det å fortelle? 

    Igjen og igjen må man sanse inn treet, en gjentagende søken på tross av fysiske hindringer, men i samspill med materialet. Lukte og lytte. Bli kjent med fukt og vekstlinjer.  

    Verkene er et møte mellom det menneskeskapte og det naturskapte. 

    Et tusenårig slektskap mellom mennesket og treet der nye funksjoner og muligheter oppstår. 

    Treet bærer med seg synlige spor og sår etter sin historie fra skogen. Mennesket, også merket av livet bruker egne livserfaringer og sitt perspektiv for å forme arbeidene.

    Det blir et samspill der man finner former, uendelige muligheter der det uventede gir nye ideer. Jeg søker en balanse mellom å forme, sette preg, hule ut eller å la stå igjen og å akseptere. Kan vi vokse på det vi erfarer på vår livsvandring? Hva vil vi ta med? Hva bør vi legge igjen?  

    Daglig arbeid med ved og tilhørighet til skogsbrukstradisjoner, har gitt meg nødvendig kunnskap om materialet, håndverksarbeidet, og i tillegg inspirasjon til å bli nærmere kjent med veden som samarbeidspartner.

    Jeg ønsker/prøver ved hjelp av kunsten å utforske menneskets sårbarhet og styrke, vår livsvandring og de erfaringer og merker livet setter, våre røtter.

    About my work

    My creations/work are made of wood, stone, seaweed – The nature’s own material I collect in free nature.

    I am inspired by our basic connection to our origin and life itself.

    Every life is a wandering, so is the process for every piece. It starts by wandering in wild, untouched mountains to breathe and find space to reflect and collect energy – a free zone from manmade society.

    In this wilderness I find fallen crocked stems and roots many hundred years of age. The process for the piece has started and is part of the wandering.

    The items are pulled and dragged to be worked. The process continues outdoors with a powerful chainsaw. A physical meeting between a human and the massive, but mouldable wood.

    But first one must explore and listen for answers in the matter. Like a close friend the tree will show its possibilities and limits. What does it have to tell.

    Again and again, one must perceive the wood, a repetitive search despite physical obstacles, but in close collaboration with the matter. Smell and listen. Feel the moist and growth.

    Every piece is an encounter between the man made and the work of nature. A thousand-year-old kinship between man and the tree, where new functions and possibilities arise.

    The tree is marked and wounded from its life journey. The life marked human, utilizes experience and perspective from their life to mould and carve.

    In this harmonious interaction new shapes appear, the unexpected brings new ideas. I seek a balance between moulding and carve out or accept and let remain. Will the experiences from our wandering through life help us grow? What do we carry with us? What should we leave behind?

    My everyday work with wood and my connection to the traditions of forestry work have given the necessary knowledge about the materiel, the craft and the inspiration to get to know wood as my working partner.

    Through my art I both wish and try to explore human vulnerability and strength, our life’s wandering, the marks life gives us, our roots.

  • 2009/2013 The Interdisciplinary School of Creative Arts in Bærum (DTK), Norway.

    1976/1983 Internship at sculptor Arne N. Vigeland's studio at Ekely, Norway. Private tutor, mentor and supervisor. Periodic work as an assistent with larger projects.

    1977/1978 The Art Institute of Kankaanpää. Finland. Sculpture with professor Ossi Somma.1976/1977 Freehanddrawing. SHKS. (Norwegian National Academy of Crafts and Art Industry).

    1975/1976 Bærum Vocational Secondary School, Program "Design, shape, colour."

    1975/1976 Study under Arne Nilsen, Ceramic artist/pottery Kirkeristen, Oslo, Norway.

    1972/1975 Magne Kvilstad's School of Ceramics, Bærum,Norway.

  • NK / The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts.

    RSS / The Royal Society of Sculptors

    NBF / The Association of Norwegian Sculptors.

    NBK / Association of Norwegian Visual Artists.

    BBK / Buskerud Artist Association.

    BKI / Visual Artists in Innlandet.

    BKiB / Visual Artists in Bærum.

    BONO / Norwegian Visual Artists Copyright Society.

  • 2022

    Strømsø kirke, Drammen, Norway.


    Hå gamle prestegard, Jæren, Norway.

    KRAFT, Bergen, Norway.

    Lørenskog Kunstforening, Norway.


    Det Gule Huset, Holmen, Norway.


    Asker Kunstforening, Asker, Norway.


    Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.


    «Glassmontrene i Sandvika» at Bærum kulturhus, Norway.


    Hole Herredshus, Vik, Norway.


    Sel kommune, Otta, Norway.

  • 2024

    Old Sunlight. BKiBs kuraterte årsutstilling. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.

    Vi tar kunsten til Øya. Ringkunstnernes Høstutstilling. Bygg A3, Arnemannsveien 3, Hønefoss, Norway.

    Reality Check. Royal Society of Sculptors Summer Show 2024. Royal Society of Sculptors, Dora House, London, UK.

    Notes from the future. The Royal Over-Seas League (ROSL), Marchmant House, London, UK.

    Bærumsutstillingen. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.

    Aesthetica Art prize Exhibition. Longlisted finalist; video on screen. York Art Gallery, York, United Kingdom.


    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway.

    Juleutstillingen. Opplandia kunstsenter, Lillehammer, Norway.

    Wonderland. Bildende Kunstnere i Bæærum´s kuraterte årsutstilling 2023. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.

    Kunst rett vest. Open studios and group exhibition in Gateway Studios, Fornebu, Bærum, Norway.

    The Shape of Life, Royal Society of Sculptors Summer Show 2023. Royal Society of Sculptors, Dora House, London, UK.

    Bærumsutstillingen. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.

    The Royal British Artist's 200th Anniversary Exhibition.
    Mall Galleries, London, United Kingdom.

    2023 - 22

    Royal Ulster Academy of Arts 141st RUA Annual Exhibition, Ulster Museum, Belfast, Northern Ireland.


    Juleutstillingen 2022. Oppland kunstsenter, Lillehammer, Norway.

    Tre Dimensjoner. Bildende kunstnere i Bærums medlemsutstilling 2022. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.

    Aesthetica Art prize Exhibition. Longlisted finalist; video on screen and Anthologie 2022. York Art Gallery, York, United Kingdom.

    Bærumsutstillingen. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.

    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway.


    Lille bilde på veggen der. Galleri Fjordheim, Biri, Norway.

    Stipendutstilling. Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.

    Bærumsutstillingen. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.

    2020 - 21

    Årsutstillingen 2020, Norske Kunsthåndverkere. Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway.


    Stipendutstilling. Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.

    Kunst rett vest. Open studios and group exhibition in Lageret Studio, Tofte in Hurum, Asker, Norway.

    Lockdown Escapism. Four artists seeking escapism through abstraction from very strange times. Baile na Cille Church, Ilse of Lewis, Hebrides.

    Coming Home Exhibition. Aberdeen Art Gallery, (Covid 19 digital version) Aberdeen, United Kingdom.


    Desemberutstilling 2019. Trondhjems Kunstforening, Trondheim, Norway.

    Royal Ulster Academy of Arts 138th RUA Annual Exhibition. Ulster Museum, Belfast, Northern Ireland.


    Refleksjoner. Bildende Kunstnere i Bærum, invited artists between 50 – 70. Bærum Kunsthall. Fornebu, Norway.

    Rendezvous. Local Kunst rett vest group exhibition in Galleri Dikemark, Asker, Norway.

    Kunst rett vest. Open studios and group exhibition in Henie Onstad Art Centre, Bærum, Norway.

    Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2019. Mall Galleries, London, United Kingdom.

    Stipendutstilling. Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.

    Bærumsutstillingen. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.


    Stipendutstilling. Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.

    ART Äkäslompolo 2018. SOUND OF FOREST - METSÄN ÄÄNI. Community- and environmental art festival. Kolari, Finland.

    Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2018. Mall Galleries, London, United Kingdom.

    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway. Pris: Årets mest markante verk.


    I Craft. I Travel Light. Theme Exhibition, The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts, Sami Center for Contemporary Art, Karasjok.


    The Royal Glasgow Institute of The Fine Arts 154th Open Annual Exhibition 2017. Glasgow, United Kingdom.

    I Craft. I Travel Light. Theme Exhibition, The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts, Northern Norway Art Museum, Tromsø.

    Syklus, Bærumsutstillingen. Bærum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway.

    Når Nåtid Møter Fortid. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway.

    What Wood Would. Stories Told in Wood. National Museum for Decorative Arts And Design, Trondheim, Norway.

    Vendepunkt. Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.

    Stipendutstilling. Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.

    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway.

    I Craft. I Travel Light. Theme Exhibition, The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts, Murmansk Regional Art Museum, Murmansk.


    I Craft. I Travel Light. Theme Exhibition, The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts. Arkhangelsk Regional Fine Arts Museum.

    Kunst rett vest. 10th anniversary exhibition at Dikemark Psychiatric Hospital. Group exhibition in "Kulturstiftelsen Fengselet." Hønefoss, Norway.

    OPPLAND ÅPEN, 30th anniversary exhibition. Oppland Kunstsenter, Lillehammer, Norway.

    Innlandsutstillingen. Galleri Hamar Kulturhus, Norway.

    Mountain map. Ice-art project with the group "Kald Kunst" outside Lillehammer Art Museum in connection with the Youth Olympic Games.


    Åpen Dør. Bærum municipality, Norway.

    Kunst rett vest. Open studios and group exhibition in Henie Onstad Art Centre, Bærum, Norway.

    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway. Pris: Årets mest markante verk / The year's most striking work.

    Lysende is-skog. Ice-art project with the group "Kald Kunst". Lillehammer, Norway.


    OPPLAND NÅ. Oppland kunstsenter, Lillehammer, Norway.

    Kust rett vest. Open studios and group exhibition in Fossekleiva kultursenter, Norway.

    Around You. OSTRALE´14. Biennale for zeitgenössische Kunst. Dresden, Germany.

    The Juried Exhibition 2014. Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo.

    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway.

    Pust. Bærumsutstillingen. Bærum Kunstforening, Norway.

    1814 – to perspektiv. Bærum municipality, Norway.


    Norsk Skulpturbiennale. The Gustav Vigeland Museum, Oslo, Norway.

    Kunst rett vest. Open studios and group exhibition in Arena Vestfossen, Norway.

    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway.


    1001 natt, Bærumsutstillingen. Bærum Kunstforening, Norway.

    Kunst rett vest. Open studios and group exhibition in Galleri Trafo, Asker, Norway.

    Store Format. Buskerud Kunstsenter. Drammen, Norway.

    Group exhibition. Galleri Gamle Eidsfos, Norway.

    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway.


    Labyrint. Bærum Kulturhus, Norway.

    Kunst rett vest. Open studios and group exhibition in Sundland, Drammen, Norway.

    Gallery in Ice Cathedral. Hunderfossen, Lillehammer, Norway.


    Midtvintersutstilling. Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.

    Novemberutstillingen. The Drammen Museum for Art and Cultural History, Norway.


    Nye medlemmer, UKS. Oslo, Norway.


    Sommerutstilling. Galleri HH, Lillehammer, Norway.


    Opplandsutstillingen. Lillehammer, Norway.

    Group exhibition. Nord-Fron Library, Vinstra, Norway.


    Peer-Gynt -utstillinga. Vinstra, Norway.


    Tverrpolitisk 8.mars. Otta, Norway.

  • 2024

    Travel support abroad: York. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte utland, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.

    Travel support abroad: London ROSL. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte utland, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.


    Activity grant. (2018-2023) The Relief Fund for Visual Artists / Aktivitetstilskudd Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond.

    Travel support abroad: London. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte utland, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.

    Travel support abroad: London. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte utland, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.


    Travel support abroad: Belfast. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.

    Travel support abroad: York. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.


    Production grant. Stipendutstillingen, Buskerud Kunstsenter. Visual Artists Assistance Fund / The Relief Fund for Visual Artists.


    Work Grant, 5 years. Arts Council Norway / Arbeidsstipend, 5 år. Statens Kunstnerstipend, Kulturrådet.


    Travel support abroad: Belfast. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.

    Governments miscellaneous grant, Arts Council Norway / Diversestipend, Statens Kunstnerstipend.


    Senior activity grant (aktivitetstilskudd 2018-2023).

    Project funding. The Cultural Fund, Arts Council, Norway / Prosjektstøtte, Kulturrådet.

    Exhibition support. Visual Artists Assistance Fund / Utstillingstilskudd, Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond.

    Travel support abroad: York. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.

    Visual Artists Assistance Funds Grant for Senior Artists, 1 year / Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond, Kunstnerstipend for seniorkunstnere, 1 år.

    Travel support abroad: London. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.


    Travel support abroad: Glasgow. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.

    Governments miscellaneous grant. Arts Council Norway / Diversestipend, Statens Kunstnerstipend.

    Production grant. Stipendutstillingen, Buskerud Kunstsenter. Artists Assistance Fund / Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond.


    Governments miscellaneous grant Arts Council Norway. Diversestipend, Statens Kunstnerstipend.


    Governments exhibition grant. Arts Council Norway / Statens utstillingsstipend, Kulturrådet.

    Travel support abroad: Dresden. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Reisestøtte, Norske Kunsthåndverkere.

    Work Grant, 3 years. The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts Fund, NK / Arbeidsstipend,3 år, Norske Kunsthåndverkeres Fond.

  • 2024

    Aesthetica Art Prize. Longlisted finalist.


    Aesthetica Art Prize. Longlisted.


    Aesthetica Art Prize. Longlisted.​


    «The year's most striking work», Novemberutstillingen. Drammens Museum.


    «The Juried Exhibition 2014", 2´nd. prize. Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo.

    Bærumsutstillingen 2014, "Pust/Breath". 1´st. prize, Bærum Municipality's Arts Award 2014.

  • 2022

    Longlisted work selected for The Aesthetica Art Prize Anthology 2022. "Future Now: 125 Contemporary Artists 2022".


    Catalogue, Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts annual Exhibition /Katalog Norske Kunsthåndverkeres Årsutstilling 2020.


    Interview in Magasinet KUNST by Ina Gravem Johansen.​

    Longlisted work selected for The Aesthetica Art Prize Anthology 2018; "Future Now: 100 Contemporary Artists 2018".


    Contributer as a participating artist in the book about the project I Craft, I Travel Light.

    Works presented in «The State of Art» - book series, titled «Sculpture and 3D" 2015 Works presented in «The State of Art» - book series, titled «Installation and Site Specific»


    Works presented in «The State of Art» - book series, titled «Sculpture and 3D"2014 Works presented in «The State of Art» - book series, titled «Installation and Site Specific»

    Works included in the December/January edition of «Aesthetica, The Art and Culture Magazine»

  • Purchased by The City Of Oslo Art Collection / Oslo Kommunes Kunstsamling.

    Purchased by Persaunet Health and Wellfare Centre. Trondheim, Norway.

    Purchased by Bærum municipality art collection. Rådhuset i Sandvika, Norway.

    Klones Landbruksskole. Vågå, Norway.

    Purchased by Sel Senterparti

Born 1957 in Oslo
Lives and works in Hole and Vågå, Norway